Not yet, although the C2T Consortium joined the Cabinet of the National Register of Researches ARIANNA accredited by the Ministry of Education. C2T has also been admitted to QuESTIO, the mapping system of Research Services, Technology Transfer and Innovation Support accredited by the Lombardy Region. In the future, we would like to develop new relationships with other public entities, which share our goals.
Find Your Doctor Service was born matching the experience of C2T within the technology transfer and the one from a former researcher who left university and is now the project manager of the service provided by the Consortium.
Find Your Doctor was born considering how a researcher can fit in a social and economic society like the ones we have nowadays. Our aim is to bring people with a researcher forma mentis into the entrepreneurial world, not only for big companies, but also for smaller realities. This would mean fostering a cultural contamination between traditionally distant worlds, which need more integration in the interests of the entire national economy. Find Your Doctor wants to give its contribution, offering not only a Job Matching service, but also consulting services (including the Doc Desk) in order to solve crucial problems for a company, but also to integrate people with different visions and methods, to help them understanding and knowing each other. Starting from the small enterprises, we can prepare the ground and increase the trust necessary to involve different players of our economy in more structured innovation and research activities.
The social value created by Find Your Doctor is then not the work place itself, but the cultural change we want to promote.
The social value created by Find Your Doctor is then not the work place itself, but the cultural change we want to promote.
For info and support, do not hesitate to contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can also write us via Facebook.
Our activity works in parallel and together with Universities. At the moment we have collaborations with different Universities ((Politecnico di Milano, Territorial Polo of Lecco, University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Turin and University of Milan) that spread the C2T and Find Your Doctor initiatives.
No, it is entirely free of charge and it will always be for free for PhDs.
Of course you can, just tell us your expected graduation date.
We normally include also people who do not have a doctorate, but have experience of academic research or between academia and industry, as in some cases the PhD title is not essential in order to carry out this kind of activity.
In case of those who have undertaken a research path exclusively in industry immediately after graduation, however we reserve the right to evaluate case by case. We need to understand what kind of research activity has been done, in which context, with what kind of relationship with the scientific community in order to evaluate the experience consistency with our technologic transfer, but also cultural, mission, which distinguishes Find Your Doctor.
Find Your Doctor initially aimed more at the technical-scientific sector, but it is our intention to expand also towards other sectors.
Initially all the ads were freely accessible, but we realized there were few registrations. Furthermore, in some ads there are details that some companies do not want to share. Having a high number of registered researchers, help us to attract more companies and therefore give more opportunities to researchers.
Simple registration information is too general to understand how a position can be interesting for you. Fill the profile helps both us and the registered companies to suggest opportunities of interest for you. In addition, it brings out the complexity of your professional figure beyond the simple technical skills.
The section has been conceived and designed to make you attractive to positions beyond your specific field of research and this is very important. It was born to bring out your goals, values and strengths.
No, our work focuses on opportunities outside universities and research centers. There are already several dedicated portals for academic ones.
The aim of our work is of social utility, which means we are non-profit, but not pro bono. Therefore, all the deriving resources are invested in research on the subject and in improving our service. We are trying to do something positive in an economically sustainable way. We are investing our working lives in something we believe, with a social purpose in which we identify ourselves, because many of our team members have a PhD and have experienced the difficult transition in output from the academic world.
From the request compilation, we answer generally within 3 working days. It follows a more detailed meeting in the company, after which we are committed to identify the Docs within 3 weeks, in line with the company’s requirements. We then schedule a second meeting on the farm with the chosen Docs and after 3 weeks, they draw a report with the problem solutions. For more details, visit the page dedicated to Enterprise Services.
Researchers have an occasional performance contract solely related to the Doc Desk consultancy, which runs out at the report delivery. Subsequent partnerships are going to be formalized separately.
Once researchers meet the company, they sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Any problem that has an innovative content for the company, from process management to product innovations, from new materials to difficult-to-solve malfunctions, essentially all that is purely technical innovation, scientific, social, economic, managerial, human resources. Whenever an analytical and proactive point of view is necessary, we will seek the most suitable Doc for you.
Compared to a graduated, a PhD meets several requirements. These are figures, which quickly have to acquire project development capacity, time and collaboration management, often working in an international environment. They are trained in fast learning, in finding resources and solutions and do not fear about what is new. They are particularly suitable for analytical, coordination and accountability positions.